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The enchanting Puckpits Inclosure

I was eager to get out and spend some time in the forest today and once I have wandered 5 minutes from Andrews Mare car park the chatter of humans were no longer heard.

I headed down Murrays passage across the magenta and mauve heath where fallow bucks quietly stepped with bracken crowns worn around their antlers and froglets are venturing out to the ponds and damp heaths.

A juvenile buzzard persistently called, and swifts seemed 'swiftier', picking off spiders on the breeze as they prepare for their imminent journey. As I walked alongside Withybed, the assertive breeze whisked up the sweet scent of heather, so just for a moment, I crouched to get a real lungful of the aroma which visits for such a short time. My crouch became a kneel as I was enticed in by the orchestra of insects that buzzed, hummed,and chattered amongst the dense heath.

Continuing downhill, I was joined by a dragonfly for a short while. He seemed to keep him momentum of flight to a steady pace of my footsteps as if to lead me to the ancient beech trees that stand guard over the entrance to Puckpits Inclosure.

These two wise ladies are particularly magnificent, and I have never been able to walk on by without first walking between them and running my hands over their bark. I like to think of them as a magical portal into Puckpits Inclosure. Maybe this is why claims have been made of seeing pixies amongst the trees here?

The deeper you get into Puckpits, the more enchanted it feels as sounds from human activity fade away, and it becomes about you. The trees. And this moment in time, as my mind quietened and my heart expanded.

At the top of Hart Hill, I took time to rest on the bench with views as far as the Isle of Wight. But it wasn't the views I yearned in that moment. I closed my eyes and felt the breeze on my face. I could smell the pine from the trees, and I could feel the contours of a pine cone I had just picked up.

In this moment of time, I felt everything rest, but I heard something trot up the path alongside me. I opened my eyes to find a smiley yellow labrador looking at me with his tail wagging the rest of his body. I know this wasn't really for me, but the dog biscuits in my bag that every dog in the forest seems to know about 😆 but I'll take it! Any excuse for a doggy cuddle. It wasn't long before his owner joined us and with a passing the time of day and a gravy bone or 2 exchanged for a cuddle, I continued my way back, feeling recharged, rested and covered in dog hair.

A perfect walk!

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