The spring Equinox occurs on March 20th and is celebrated as Ostara in the wheel of the year. Ostara is linked to the Goddess Eostre, who embodies vibrancy and fertility. She is no longer a Virgin but not yet a Mother, symbolising fertile land and renewal. Eostre's youthful and adventurous spirit was known for its promiscuity, mirroring the natural changes at this time of year. Symbols associated with Eostre include hares and eggs. Hares, ancient symbols of fertility and rebirth, are seen at pasture edges where wildflowers begin their cycle of rebirth from the fertile soil. Birds also lay their eggs during this period, and in ancient mythology, it was believed that all of creation originated from an egg.
This might seem somewhat familiar, as Christianity incorporated Eostre's symbols to signify the resurrection of Jesus, naming it Easter. This is where we associate with the Easter bunny and engage in decorating and searching for colourful eggs.